Our Development Program is all about creating long-term sustainability for Lions Gate Christian Academy and its mission to Christian families.
The Development Program includes promoting our mission and vision, building participation through volunteerism, developing financial partnerships and connecting alumni and founders. All of these activities contribute to the continuation and growth of Lions Gate Christian Academy in our ministry to families.
Your partnership will ensure that families receive excellent Christian education both today and in the future. Here is how you can be involved.
Individual Prayer
We are a Christian community and appreciate your prayers for the school. Will you commit to praying for this school, its students and its teachers? Contact the office about prayer opportunities.
Financial Support and Partnerships
LGCA is a Group 1 independent, interdenominational Christian school, which means that we receive only half of the operational funding that public schools receive. As such, we depend upon generous donors for financial support during the year.
Fundraising at LGCA
We have a strong history of support from our families, friends, alumni and staff. We count on you for support, creative energy, enthusiasm and dedication to ensure LGCA continues to be a leader in Christian education on the North Shore.
Each year LGCA parents participate in two major fundraisers. As these are the only major school fundraisers during the year, we ask that every family gets involved and donates. Every dollar donated makes a difference in reaching our goals. These two Fundraisers are held in the Fall and Spring.
You can donate to LGCA through:
Credit Card online through www.canadahelps.org
Cheque made out to Lions Gate Christian Academy, 919 Tollcross Road, North Vancouver, BC , V7H 2G3
Other Gifts: Matching Gifts, Stocks/Bonds, Real Estate, Life Insurance, RRSPs, Wills and Bequests, Deferred Gifts, Annuities, Securities and Other Property.
Please call our Public Relations Administrator at 604-984-8226 for Planned Giving information and/or assistance. All donations are eligible for tax receipts. Registered Charities Number for Lions Gate Christian Academy Association is: 140635517RR0001
Family Participation
Our school will be as good as the support given through the time and talents of its parents and extended families. We rely on volunteer commitment to keep our community strong. How has the Lord gifted you? Please contact the office about volunteer opportunities at 604-984-8226.
Personal Promotion
We depend on your recommendation and our reputation as a source of recruitment. When our classroom seats are full the cost to operate our school is reduced. Please invite a family for a tour of LGCA. Every day is Open House at LGCA!
Support our School
As an Independent Christian school, we receive only half the operational funding of government-run schools. We appreciate your financial support.