School Information
School Hours
Elementary School
School starts in the morning at 8:40am. There will be teacher supervision outside in the morning from 8:20am and in the afternoon from 3:00-3:20pm.
Pick up times are as follows: 2:50pm (K-G3), 3:00pm (G4-7).
High School
School starts in the morning at 8:30am and ends at 3:05pm. Pick up time is 3:10pm (G7 - 12).
Absence Notes
If your child is absent, please ensure that you send a note upon your child's return to your child's teacher. If you send an email to the office this is sufficient. Please email your note to jkwon@lgca.ca The Ministry of Education requires a note from either a parent or guardian for every student absence. The auditors review our records annually. If there are unexplained absences the Ministry of Education has the right to withhold funding. Should funding be withheld the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be held responsible to pay for any withheld funds.
Volunteers and Visitors to the School
For safety reasons we ask that volunteers and visitors report to the office when they arrive at the school. Volunteers and visitors will be asked to sign in on a sheet and will receive a visitor's badge.
Email Newsletter
Newsletters are sent via email. Kindly advise us if you change your email address or are not receiving our emails.
Nut Safe School
Please respect that LGCA is an allergen aware school. Snacks, lunches or treats brought to school must be free of peanuts and/or tree nuts.
Procedure for School Closure due to Inclement Weather/Power Failure
In case of school closure due to inclement weather or other emergencies such as power failure, the following steps will be followed:
An email will be sent home to parents.
A voice mail will be left on the school answering machine.
Please listen to the radio - News 1130 am, CKNW.
Parents please note that we will make the best decision possible regarding closure however we realize that parents live in different areas and therefore parents have the final say as to whether they feel it is safe to bring their child/ren to school.