About Us
Purpose Statement
LGCA is a community rooted in the teachings of Jesus where all students are loved, challenged, and equipped to be purposeful contributors in their communities
Who Are We?
Lions Gate Christian Academy was established to assist parents in providing Christian education for students on the North Shore. At Lions Gate Christian Academy, the purpose of Christian education is to direct and guide the child towards a saving knowledge and trust in Jesus Christ the Truth; to attain understanding, wisdom and righteousness which leads to responsible service to the Lord in all areas of life.
What started as a simple vision in 1994 has blossomed into over 300 students from Grades K to 12. We celebrated our first graduating class in 2012. We continue to have a 100% graduation rate with alumni well-placed in a variety of excellent post-secondary institutions.
It’s been an incredible journey of faith, commitment and perseverance and has resulted in the strong school community that is Lions Gate Christian Academy today.
It has been anything but your typical school journey and the efforts of parents, teachers, students, friends, and board members typify the core values we instill in our students at LGCA. From donations to moves, painting, construction, landscaping and more, our entire school community has been there to help. The result is a school that everyone views as theirs. We wouldn’t want it any other way!
2014 marked a pivotal year for LGCA when we moved to our new location at 919 Tollcross Road. The new facility allows us to expand our curriculum and sports programs and positions us for continued growth. Not too big though! We still want Lions Gate Christian Academy to be a school where everyone knows each other and holds a strong sense of Christian community.
Our vision is not to be the largest school on the North Shore, but to have well-educated students with the biggest hearts towards one another and their local and global communities.
Our Goals
Help each child see that he/she is a unique person created by God for a special purpose in life.
Give direction to students by helping them understand the nature of sin and its effect on all creation; and how God, by His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ redeems His people.
Develop the students’ skills in all subject areas for the purpose of furthering their education and worshipping and glorifying God the Father.
Encourage students to attain, examine and apply knowledge from a Christian perspective.
Inspire students to develop Christian Worldviews which kindle desires for life-long learning.
Encourage students to pursue excellence in both their course work and obedience to God so they may become productive global citizens.
Assist students to interpret all subjects in the light of God’s Word.