Lions Gate Christian Academy
LGCA is a community, rooted in the teachings of Jesus, where all students are loved, challenged, and equipped to be purposeful contributors in their communities.
A Strong Christian Community
Our vision is not to be the largest school on the North Shore, but to have well-educated students with the biggest hearts towards one another and their local and global communities.
Discover the top 10 reasons to attend Lions Gate Christian Academy.
School Calendar
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Find the latest newsletters, community news, athletics news, and student achievements.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
— Proverbs 22:6
Registration for 2025-26
We have limited spaces available from Kindergarten to Grade 12 for this next school year. Contact Heather Roex School Registrar at office@lgca.ca or (604)984-8226